Why we should be worried about reinforcement corrosion in the construction of buildings?
Reinforcement corrosion can be a major hazard when constructing buildings. If left unchecked, corrosion can worsen in its intensity and spread to other parts of the structure, potentially leading to instability, accelerating structural degradation, and ultimate failure of the entire building. Poorly maintained steel in buildings can also significantly impair the structural integrity of the building during strong winds or seismic events, leading to collapse of the building and possible injury or death to the occupants. Reinforcement corrosion can also result in materials becoming brittle and therefore more prone to cracking, meaning increased maintenance costs and potentially the need to replace the structure altogether in extreme cases.
What are the precautions that can be taken prior to avoid the corrosion of steel in building construction?
1. Ensure steel components are adequately protected prior to and during the construction process.
2. Ensure water proofing is effective and regularly inspected.
3. Make sure building has adequate drainage and ensure gutters are regularly cleaned.
4.If possible, use paints, coatings and other protective measures on steel components, to provide a waterproof seal and reduce the amount of oxygen which can react with steel.
5. Install sacrificial anodes or other anti-corrosion measures, and regularly maintain them.
6. Regularly inspect steel components for signs of corrosion and undertake remedial action as necessary.
Why costal structures are more vulnerable to corrosions than the other structures?
Coastal structures are more vulnerable to corrosion than other structures for various reasons. Firstly, coastal structures are exposed to higher levels of moisture, particularly saltwater, which is more corrosive to metal than fresh water. Secondly, coastal salty air can lead to accelerated oxidation of unprotected steel, resulting in corrosion of the metal. In addition, coastal environments have higher temperatures and levels of ultraviolet radiation, which can also exacerbate corrosion of steel and other metals. Finally, exposure to sand can result in abrasion, which can further weaken the structures and increase the potential for corrosion.
What methods can be used to avoid corrosion in underwater structures such as damns, piers of bridges ?
1. Use of cathodic protection, which involves the installation of an electric current to help reduce and slow the rate of corrosion.
2. Tool o ensure an good contact between concrete and steel bars, resulting in a uniform and adequate cover for the bars.
3. Use a concrete admixture that acts as a corrosion inhibitor, reducing the rate of corrosion.
4. Applying anti-corrosive and anti-fouling paints to steel components.
5. Using various paints and coatings with special additives to provide additional protection from corrosion.
6. Select environment-resistant metals, such as stainless steel, aluminum or titanium.
What is Cathodic protection against corrosion of steel?
Cathodic Protection (CP) refers to the application of an electrical current to help reduce the rate of corrosion in steel components. It is an electrochemical technique often used to protect steel structures, such as in damns, bridges and piers, which are submerged in water. In CP, sacrificial anodes are connected to the steel structure, and the anode gradually releases electrons to help reduce corrosion. This technique is used to prevent degradation of the metal and maintain the structural integrity of the steel components.
What is the cover of a concrete and why it is important?
The cover of a concrete refers to the distance between the edge of the concrete and the nearest piece of reinforcement within it. In order for a reinforced concrete structure to function properly, the cover must be adequate, as it provides a layer of protection for the steel bars from the environment by acting as a barrier. This cover protects the steel from harsh conditions such as extreme temperature changes, high humidity levels and exposure to corrosive materials, which can all cause the steel to break down. In addition, the cover is what helps provide the structural integrity of reinforced concrete structures, as this distance between the concrete and steel helps ensure appropriate bond between them.
What are the concrete admixtures that acts as a corrosion inhibitors?
Concrete admixtures that act as corrosion inhibitors are substances added to the concrete mix which react with the steel within the mix to reduce the rate of corrosion. Examples of concrete admixtures with corrosion-inhibiting properties include calcium nitrite, sodium nitrite, and nitrite-based corrosion inhibitors. These substances are added to the mix to form a protective layer around the steel bars, providing additional protection from moisture and harmful chemical agents. The mixture also reduces the potential for oxygen to react with the steel and promote corrosion.
What are anti-corrosive and anti-fouling paints and give some examples:
Anti-corrosive and anti-fouling paints are special coatings designed to protect surfaces from rust and corrosion, and also to prevent the build-up of organisms, such as barnacles, mussels and algae, which affects the performance of vessels. Examples of this type of paint include VC-tar Epoxy, SkyGuard Extreme Hull Coating, Micron CSC Guard, ProGuardMAX A240, OzCoat, and YachtMarket CopperKoteTarga.